NMAHHC Membership
The New Mexico Association for Home & Hospice Care serves its membership through advocacy, networking, education, and communication by promoting success and best practices for home care, hospice, and related home health support services. As a member of the association, your agency will have access to incredible benefits. We are proud to offer you the following benefits which promote success within the home care, hospice, and related home health support services.
Benefits to Members
- FREE online education for staff (HHA, RNs & more)
- Weekly newsletter with pertinent industry information
- Annual Preferred Provider Listing promotes all members in printed directory & in a searchable, online database
- Member discounts for four quarterly
all education offered throughout the year conferences offering 6+ hours of continuing education each
- Significant savings for agencies from participation in group purchasing organization
- Representation for issues affecting home health, hospice, and personal care service at the state and federal level
- And More! Watch Member Benefits Open House - HERE
Benefits to Associate Members
- All of the above benefits PLUS enhanced opportunity to connect with NMAHHC membership. Associate members have the option to choose one of these added benefits:
The association will promote an associate member webinar to NMAHHC members with two stand-alone emails to our membership distribution list, member calendar listing, and include in our weekly newsletter for up to 4 newsletters. The webinar content, registration, marketing materials, etc will be up to the associate member to create
Our Membership Organization
- Facilitates networking among members for mutual support and resource development to foster success.
- Provides educational opportunities for the diverse needs of our members.
- Is aware and knowledgeable on current issues which affect the future viability of the home care industry.
- Provides the quality of home care delivery within the state.
- Supports efforts to educate the community at large about home care services.